Ioannis Christofi Acupuncture
I am passionate about using the ancient teachings of Chinese medicine, focusing on the Five Element lineage, to help patients with a range of problems: From stress and anxiety, insomnia, tiredness, gut and bowel disorders, gynaecological disorders, physical pain and tension to chronic disease. My focus is to establish the root cause of dis-ease to enable the body to gently rebalance and repair. In this way, the individual is subtly yet potently reminded of what they know is truly right and authentic for them.
I also place an emphasis on acknowledging and valuing the uniqueness of who we are, understanding how we relate to our surroundings and how we can calibrate into the world more seamlessly, so that we feel genuinely aligned with our thoughts, feelings and actions, and make sense of how we can be better to ourselves and to those around us.
Self-awareness and harmonizing oneself with the world are important steps in self-improvement. After earning a Bachelor of Science in computer science and business, and working 15 years in banking, I was drawn to change careers and help others through Chinese medicine after personally experiencing its transformative effects.
I received my Licentiate in Acupuncture (Lic Ac) and qualified with a BSc (Hons) in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine from the prestigious College of Integrated Chinese Medicine and practise Integrated Acupuncture: A combination of Five Element Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
I have been treated by Ioannis for a number of weeks now. He has been invaluable to the change in my mobility. My knees were such a problem, I thought I'd need surgery. He has a gift for making you feel at ease, and has sorted out many other ailments that a man of 78 seems to get. He has without doubt increased my quality of life. Thank you.
Robert Tomlins
Ioannis is a fantastic acupuncturist. He is a professional and has a wealth of knowledge. I felt like we could speak about anything openly and he did a wonderful job at bringing me back into balance. Thank you for caring about my wellbeing.